Tsutsui katatsuki

Tsutsui katatsuki
Tsutsui katatsuki
Tsutsui katatsuki

A great masterpiece. Koseto tea caddy with a shoulder impulse. In the possession of Junkei Tsutsui. The slightly stroked shoulders of this tea caddy are covered with a black glaze that is unevenly colored with persimmon gold, making it a warm, gentle, and elegant tea caddy. After Junkei, it was handed down to Tokugawa Ieyasu, and Yoshinao, the founder of the Owari domain, received it and it has been in the family ever since. It is currently in the collection of the Tokugawa Reimeikai. (Gankan Meibutsu Ki, Komeibutsu Ki, Meibutsu Ki, Kokin Meibutsu Ruiju, Taisho Meikikan)

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