Waki Kiln (side kiln)


. A branch of Raku ware. While the works of generations of the Raku family in Kyoto are called hon-gama (main kiln), those that were separated from the main family and established a new kiln are called wakigama (side kiln). In addition, there are kilns specializing in Raku ware in various regions, and these are separately referred to as what-yaki.
The most famous of the side kilns is Gyokusui Raku or Gyokusui ware, which was started by Ichiyo, the younger brother of the fourth generation Raku master, and has lasted for four generations.
The most famous of the side kilns are Soji (Shozaemon, brother of Tsunekei II), Doraku (brother of Douri III), Chobei (during the Iri 1 era), Kyubei (handmaiden of Iri and Soji), Aburaya Tahei (unknown), Heibei (handmaiden of Ichiyo), Hanbei (Tamamizu resident), Kichiemon (adopted son of Raku IV), and others. (

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