Köetsu: tea bowl, known as “Hompōji”, Black Raku

Köetsu: tea bowl, known as "Hompōji", Black Raku

Height 9.0cm, mouth diameter 13.6cm, base diameter 4,9cm
Gyokusui Art Museum
 The overall appearance of this bowl, except for the mouth, is exactly the same as that of “Shigure” and “Rain Clouds,” and can be said to be the workmanship unique to Koetsu. However, the mouth of this tea bowl is not cut flat, but is made in a thin beveler style, as if it were a hand grasping bowl. The entire surface is covered with a thin and thick black glaze, and the thick part is jet-black, while the thin part is fired up like an iron skin, which is also unique to Koetsu. The base of the bowl has four marks, and the prospective view is slightly hollowed out in a chamadame style. The front of the inner box cover is inscribed “Honpoji Kuro Koetsu” and the back is inscribed “By Konoike Doyoike” on a pasteboard, which probably indicates that Koetsu donated the box to Honpoji and it was transferred to Doyoike at some point.

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