Kōrin & Kenzan: square dish with design of waves and plovers, ironbrown under glaze

Kōrin & Kenzan: square dish with design of waves and plovers, ironbrown under glaze
Kōrin & Kenzan: square dish with design of waves and plovers, ironbrown under glaze
Kōrin & Kenzan: square dish with design of waves and plovers, ironbrown under glaze

Height 3.0 cm, Diameter 22.0 x 22.0 cm
Cleveland Museum of Art
 This dish was once in the collection of Mr. Masatoshi Okochi, but was purchased by the Cleveland Museum of Art in the U.S. after World War II with funds from the Wade Foundation. The four sides of the plate are decorated with a wave pattern in bold brush strokes, and the top is decorated with seven plover birds. The signature is “Korin-zu,” but in a slightly rougher style than on the other plates. As in the previous example, the inside is decorated with cloud arabesques and the outside with a window-panelled design.

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