Itaya Hazan
Itaya Hazan

A master of the Kan-ten school, Itaya Hazan was active for three generations during the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras. He graduated from the Sculpture Department of the Tokyo School of Fine Arts (now Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music) in 1894, taught at the Ishikawa Industrial School and the Tokyo Higher Technical School (now Tokyo Institute of Technology), and in 1902 established a pottery studio in Tabata (Kita Ward), Tokyo. In 1902, he established a pottery studio in Tabata (Kita Ward), Tokyo, and devoted himself to pottery making. He became a member of the Imperial Household Artists’ Association, a member of the Art Academy, and a recipient of the Order of Cultural Merit, among other honors, and was a driving force behind the current prosperity of the government ceramics department. His works are characterized by the elegance of form, the fineness and richness of the glaze, and the fluidity of the thin-walled carved patterns, and are regarded as the best of the modern era. He was the chairman of the Toto-kai, an association of ceramic artists in the Kanto area, and often instructed younger artists.

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