The fourth generation of the Raku family. Born in 1640. His first name was Sahei, and later Kichizaemon. Died in 1696 at the age of 57. His previous works still show the influence of his father Nonko, but he later adopted a more gentle style, with a rounded base and a slightly bluish depth to the black, which is especially called Ichiryoku black.
The black has a beautiful reddish hue, which is called ichiryu-no shu-glaze and is a distinctive feature. Jyuraku clay has not been used since Ichiiri. Since there are many unmarked pieces of total glaze, Domi zaijirushi is highly prized. A few tea bowls were made for Fujimura Youken, and they have nail engraving of the character for “use. The mark has a large open c below the raku character.

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