
One of a series of Seto tea caddies. It has a red earthen glaze and is largely covered with a water glaze. There is also light shallow yellowish clay and itokiri (thread cutting) would be good. The twist back of the mouth construction is also good and some have natural steamer. The underglaze is dark persimmon with nashiji. The upper glaze is a thin black glaze up to the waist, which is called koshigawari and is highly prized.
The flow is in dark black glaze. The base glaze is a light black glaze with a yellowish flow, and there are also some with a yellowish candy-colored flying glaze, offering a variety of glaze colors. Large tea caddies are rare, measuring around 9 cm in diameter. The tea caddies are also often with sharp shoulders. Some of the best examples of this type still in existence are yamazakura, yellow, amayado, and seishi. All of them were in the possession of Kobori Enshu. Unknown items include mage, kyodo, kibata, tanabata, and sorui. The heads are identical in clay, glaze, and maker to those of Imoko. (Chawaniki Bengokushu, Manpo-Zensho, Chado Meimono Kou)

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