Iyosudare (Iyo blind)


Chuko Meihin Koseto tea caddy, Shirikomi. This tea caddy was inscribed by Enshu Kobori as resembling an Iyosu-dare (a bamboo blind), and its proof is a poem by Keikei Koishita in “Shikka-shu” (The Anthology of Poetry): “A meeting will be sparsely woven, and at last I will be wabisasuru. The wide shoulder width on one side and the narrow shoulder width on the other side, with the mouth positioned to one side, are remarkable features, and the quail spots and black stripes on the light purple ground show the characteristics of Seto. After being in the possession of Enshu, it passed through the generations of Kobori Izumi-mori, Tsuchiya Sagamimori, and Matsukura Sadamori, and was returned to the Tsuchiya family for a time, but later came into the possession of Matsudaira Iga-mori, lord of the Ueda domain, and then to the Akahoshi family before entering the Goto family. (Taisho Meikikan)

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