Suzu ware: Five-storied pagoda with carved Sanskrit languages and incised inscriptions.

Suzu ware: Five-storied pagoda with carved Sanskrit languages and incised inscriptions.
Suzu ware: Five-storied pagoda with carved Sanskrit languages and incised inscriptions.
Suzu ware: Five-storied pagoda with carved Sanskrit languages and incised inscriptions.

From Okunoto, 13th century
13th century, Total height 22.8cm, Length of fire ring 8.6cm, Diameter of water ring 10.7cm, Length of earth ring 10.1 x 9.0cm
Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum
 There are currently about six known examples of five-ring pagodas made of ceramics from the Middle Ages. This pagoda is the best of these, and is a rare work with waka poems inscribed on three sides of the rim. It is composed of four pieces of wood (ku-fu-rin, hi-rin, mi-rin, and ji-rin), and is assembled by inserting the upper and lower parts of the hi-rin and the handle on the ji-rin. In the center of the water wheel is carved the sanskrit character “ban,” the seed of Dainichi Nyorai of the Vajrayana world, and on the reverse side is engraved the character “Katoku” (“blessing”). This is a good example of the style of memorial services for the dead.

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