Top-shaped bowl with character meaning “Congratulations”, enamelled ware

Top-shaped bowl with character meaning "Congratulations", enamelled ware
Top-shaped bowl with character meaning "Congratulations", enamelled ware
Top-shaped bowl with character meaning “Congratulations”, enamelled ware

Height 6.5 cm, mouth diameter 21.7 cm, bottom diameter 12.6 cm
 This Dokuraku-shaped bowl, with the character for “Kotobuki” (longevity) displayed within a prospective circular window, is one of the most prized of Imari ceramics. The inside has four lozenge-shaped windows with eight treasures inside, and the outside is brightly painted with peony arabesques in gold and green on a red ground. The outside is brightly painted with peony arabesques in gold and green on a red ground. This is one of the most elegant and graceful Imari ceramics. A double circle in the base is painted in underglaze blue, and there is a single mark in the center.

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