Tamba ware: four-handled jar with autumn plant design.

Tamba ware: four-handled jar with autumn plant design.

14th century
Height 43.2cm, mouth diameter 14.2cm, body diameter 38.7cm, bottom diameter 20.3cm
Important Cultural Property
Umezawa Memorial Museum
 The short, outer neck is slightly thickened toward the outside, and the shoulders have lost their tension, giving it a gently rounded body. The body is joined in three sections, and the surface of the vessel is shaped in a brushwork pattern with a horizontal nadir. The surface of the vessel is shaped with a brush with a horizontal nadir. The clay is a high-quality clay rich in fine grains of feldspar and silica, similar to that of the paulownia design large vases, and is well tempered, giving it a bright yellowish brown color. The natural yellowish-brown glaze covered thickly from the neck of the mouth to the center of the body gives a bright and generous impression. The four shoulder ears are all missing. Between each ear, there is an Akikusa design with fine lines, and a kiln mark is engraved above the design in one of the areas. Together with a large jar decorated with paulownia, this jar is one of the twin peaks of the Tamba carved vase series.

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